From Scratch to JAVA: Lesson 2

From Scratch to JavaScratch users, if you are ready to write some real code after having programmed in high level Scratch blocks, here's a wonderful programming environment for you.  Let's tackle learning Java using Greenfoot, one step at a time, using your knowledge from Scratch as your guide.


Here is a video that uses the Greenfoot programming environment to introduce you to Java programming in an incremental fashion.  Use your knowledge from Scratch to help you transition to Java.  Dive into Java by learning from existing code as well as tweaking them to make visual changes to your project.  Suggested exercises are included in the video.  Teachers and students are welcome to evaluate this video for its effectiveness. Comments are welcome!

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+1 #2 Moriah 2010-05-24 11:26
Thanks very much for your positive comments. I will try if these videos indeed help others.
+2 #1 Ralf Eriksson 2010-05-24 00:02
Nice explanasion learn a lot. Hope you are going to make some more lessons would be great. Grettings from Sweden Best Regars Ralf Eriksson computer teacher in upper secondary school.
